Those of you who have been following me for some time now know I am a warm-weather person. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. I COME ALIVE when Daylight Saving Time starts. As far as I’m concerned, LIGHT IS LIFE. And that proclamation is a perfect segue into today’s topic.
As the days get longer and warmer, most venture outside a little more and hibernate less. So it’s the perfect time to adjust our schedules and homes that can help save the planet and some of our hard-earned money. How? Well, there are lots of little
things you can do that, added up, can make a huge difference.
Switch out your regular light bulbs for LEDs. If you plan to buy a new appliance, purchase one with the ENERGY STAR seal and
recycle your old one. Insulate your doors and windows. Save rainwater to water your landscape in the drier days ahead. Use the sun to dry your laundry
by hanging it on a clothesline.
Want more ideas? Google is LOADED with suggestions! Get the
whole family involved and make an event out of it.
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