Benjamin Franklin has been credited with saying some of the coolest things. I’ve quoted him in my blog twice before (I checked!), in July 2020 and May 2021. And I’m going to do it again today. Here goes: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Okay, maybe he wasn’t the original author. Still, he did refine and improve the original saying that has origins traced back to Plato (thus you accuse me of plagiarism, you can check the reference here ). “Ok, but what do apples have to do with finances?” you ask. I’m getting there! If you eat healthy, exercise, refrain from things you know are bad for you, and get regular checkups, you’ll be less likely to need a doctor. The key word there is “checkups.” It’s FINALLY spring. Summer is on the way. It gets hot where I live, but it's relatively short-lived compared to the rest of the country. On the other hand, some places get HOT and HUMID, and repeated heat abuse can do a number on your house. Take advantage of the warmer temper...

At Money Minute$, we are patient and compassionate, like your best friend who isn’t afraid to help you be accountable. We don’t condemn for past mistakes; we just want to help you achieve your goals. We provide just enough hint of motivation to light a tiny fire of excitement at the prospect of not owing anybody money. We KNOW you can do this!