Utah celebrates a holiday that other states do not–Pioneer Day, July 24. We commemorate the day the Mormon Pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley. If you are fortunate enough to work for a state government agency or Utah-based company, you get the day off. If you work for a federal institution, well, it’s business as usual. Sorry, guys.
When I worked for the school district, I had summers off. Man,
they always went lots faster than one might think they would. I once had a boss
tell me, “Once Pioneer Day gets here, summer is OVER!”
What’s my point? Yeah, I’m getting there.
We’re more than halfway through the summer, and it’s time to
start looking down the barrel at the school year which comes with its own list
of expenses. Now is the time to tweak that budget for back-to-school stuff and
extra-curricular events, if necessary. Get on it.
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