When you live in the Rocky Mountain West, there are lots of jokes about the weather. This explains it very well:
Here’s another good one, and it’s so applicable this week:
If you looked outside my front door right this minute you
might think it was Christmastime.
Speaking of Christmas…it’s coming. Yeah, I know it was just
here (that was LAST year), but it has a way of showing up EVERY YEAR on
December 25, and 2022 is no exception. I think the fact that it comes annually surprises some people because they are unprepared– they have no money set aside, they panic, and then they put Christmas on a credit card. We are NOT going to be those people this year!
How much did you spend on Christmas last year? If you don’t
know, figure it out. I’m going to bet you’ll spend AT LEAST that much this year
(can anyone say 8.5% INFLATION?). I have a suggestion for you–start saving for Christmas
2022 NOW. How much? Take what you spent last year and divide it by the
remaining months of the year (if you count both April and December, then the divisor
is 9).
Spring is just around the corner (and so is Easter). Hop to
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