I sold at the wrong time. TWICE. In the early days of 2020, I was joint owner on two properties. Well, my life experienced a couple of changes, and I sold both of those properties. The property sales took place about six months apart, and I put my equity (which was in the form of cash) into a low-risk mutual fund. And, while that fund has done pretty well over the last two years, it hasn’t kept up with the rate of inflation. Let me be dramatic. If I could buy one of said properties for what I paid for it ten years ago, I could buy two of them. Now I’d be lucky to buy two-thirds. Don’t worry, I do have a plan. Everybody mail just $10 to…just kidding. But I digress. Today, we are talking about inflation. Let Google define it for you: in·fla·tion; /inˈflāSH(ə)n/; a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. Mmaaaaann, have we seen a huge amount of inflation in the last year! And experts don’t anticipate it getting any better any time soon. Who’s at f...

At Money Minute$, we are patient and compassionate, like your best friend who isn’t afraid to help you be accountable. We don’t condemn for past mistakes; we just want to help you achieve your goals. We provide just enough hint of motivation to light a tiny fire of excitement at the prospect of not owing anybody money. We KNOW you can do this!