Apparently, America Saves week has been a thing
since 2007. I took this right off their website, “Since 2007 America Saves Week has
been an annual celebration as well as a call to action for everyday Americans
to commit to saving successfully.” How did I, as your Financial Friday blogger going
on three years now, not know this before yesterday? What rock have I been
hiding under?
I did a little research and found that this
year, they aim to help in Building Financial Resilience which “includes being
conscious of your own financial landscape, being aware of available resources,
and being willing to seek out and take advantage of opportunities that will
support and increase your financial wellness.” This is awesome. I do think we need to devote more than five days per year to this effort. However,
this is a good start.
Now, has a tip a day for five
days. Because I am not a plagiarist, I have come up with a list of my own. Here’s
today’s tip (in graphic form, just because):
I know you’re just hanging on to the edge of
your seats. Join me tomorrow for more tips!
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