I have had five (yes, FIVE)
washing machines in my adult life. Without telling you how old I am, I can say
that in the first 25 years of my adult life I got a new washing machine about
every four (yes, FOUR) years. (One washer moved around the room with someone
sitting on it while it was running. I didn’t know they could do that. But, that’s
another story for another time.) I think you would agree with me that a washing
machine should last longer than that. I mean, if I was financing them, which I
was not, the payments could have outlasted any one of those washers themselves.
About 10 years ago I decided
to take the advice of a friend whose husband was a mechanic and bought used
cars–total Junkers. He paid next to nothing for them, fixed them up a bit, and
drove them until they just wouldn’t run any more. I never knew what kind of car
my friend would be driving when she showed up to work. I did some research on a specific washer
brand, found one used, and bought it sight unseen. BEST. WASHING. MACHINE.
I did not pay a new price for
that washer. In fact, I paid less than HALF of what I paid for the most
expensive, this-one-will-not-break-down-because-there’s-nothing-to-break-down-in-it
washer. But its value has FAR exceeded that of any other washer I’ve ever
owned. And yes, I still have this one. I’ve had it for almost 10 years.
You can exercise the same principles with family entertainment, especially in preparation for the holidays. Here’s one…virtual scavenger hunts are an example of how similar experiences can cost a wide range–from $12.99 to $80 PER PERSON (see photo attached).
Discovery Hunts for the holidays (or ANY occasion) cost so much LESS–as little as $75 FOR AN ENTIRE GROUP. With Discovery Hunts, hosts can offer a fun, unique, social-distance-friendly (if needed) activity to an unlimited number of people (it can be less than $1 per person for a large family or large gathering). Families can use them for longer timeframes as needed–not just a set number of hours. And families get personalization that doesn’t come with any other virtual scavenger hunt.
If I had never told you about
my washing machine history, you would never know the machine was used and I got it for a
song. And, your family won’t have a clue what a great deal you got on the MOST.
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