No, I’m not talking about the 80s song by the synth-pop band Animotion (dating myself AGAIN). I’m talking about becoming fixated, absorbed, and fanatical about something. In this case, Kingsford, author of “Brain-powered Weight Loss,” calls it a “healthy obsession.” Basically, it means that “you no longer struggle” to be financially fit. You thrive on it! Now, this does not mean that you won’t make any mistakes; sure, you will. But you now have the tools to get back on the path when you stray. You don’t beat yourself up. You see how far you’ve come and use that to help you shape your future. You are in control of your finances and your life from here on out. I remember listening to The Dave Ramsey Show once where Dave told the caller that when you are at the place where you have your home paid for, the grass in the backyard feels different under your feet. Now, I owned a townhome, so, technically, I did not own the grass. BUT I CAN tell you that once I paid off that mortgage, I ch...

At Money Minute$, we are patient and compassionate, like your best friend who isn’t afraid to help you be accountable. We don’t condemn for past mistakes; we just want to help you achieve your goals. We provide just enough hint of motivation to light a tiny fire of excitement at the prospect of not owing anybody money. We KNOW you can do this!