I was a good student in school. I was 7 th in my graduating class in high school and had a 3.77 GPA. When I returned to college in my late forties, I graduated with a 3.96. My sister, the RN/health blogger, also got good grades, although I cannot say what her class rank was. Now, I don’t say this to brag on either behalf but only to lay the groundwork to illustrate a point. I remember having a discussion with said sister about our grades, and our motivations for our obsession over that elusive letter “A” were different. She got good grades so she could play volleyball (another subject for another blogpost). I got good grades because I WANTED them. There are different types of motivation. In the story of our high school transcript histories, my sister’s motivation is known as extrinsic, meaning it comes from an external reward. Mine would be classified as intrinsic, coming from within. Too many of us think we need to wait for motivation to hit us before we do something, and that is t...

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