Recently, a member of my mother’s church congregation asked her to share with him the blessings she has seen from the pandemic. Wait–the pandemic is a BAD thing, so how can something GOOD (i.e. BLESSINGS) come from it? My friends, it’s all in how you look at it.
Because many of our usual activities have been either
switched to an online format or cancelled entirely, families are having to
spend more time together at home. While some are only focused on what they are
missing, many have chosen to concentrate on the positive things that have come
from less-busy family schedules, and they are grateful for what they are
It’s a time for new traditions, especially with Christmas just two weeks away. There are many things on this world-wide-web of ours, you just have to be slightly proficient at keyboarding to find them. And, if you need some reminders, check out some Holiday Discovery Hunts (all virtual and FUN). How about online Santa Stories every night through Christmas Eve? Study up on some Christmas traditions around the world. Find out the origin of holiday symbols. Or, perhaps you could even host your own Gingerbread House Challenge (get your friends and neighbors involved!). What a great time to orchestrate some PEAK experiences for your family.
After all, it’s all about making lemonade out of lemons,
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