My parents split up when I was very young. My dad moved out of state, and we were not very close, literally or figuratively, while I was growing up. While this was probably not so common in the early 70s, it’s quite prevalent today. I’m sure there are many that can empathize with me. My heart goes out to each and every one of you.
It has taken a long time, but my dad and I have reconnected
and are in a good place now. How did this happen, you ask? Through a shared
I think it is important to have experiences that leave lasting impressions. Some of those just happen, but most don’t, and it’s more than alright, and even necessary, to create them.
Ok, so you like the idea of a
shared experience, but this whole Covid thing has really thrown a wrench into
your normal holiday traditions AND your budget. You aren’t sure where to start.
I’ve got you covered.
For less than the cost of your Thanksgiving Dinner turkey, you can get your entire family together from across the country “virtually” in a fun, interactive, laugh-yourself-silly-kind-of-way. How? Glad you asked! With a Holiday Reunion Discovery Hunt, an app-based scavenger hunt, you can throw a party where everybody can participate regardless of where they are. Through the feed and interaction, it will almost feel like you're all right there, TOGETHER, in the same room!
Thanks to #ShopInUtah, you can get a 50% off coupon just for the asking. The BEST part (yes, it gets better)...Discovery Hunts, in an effort to help bring families together in spite of the Coronavirus, is offering UNLIMITED missions and UNLIMITED personalization. You can start with over 100 of their favorite missions from the traditional family reunion hunt, the Fall and Thanksgiving hunts, and some never-before-seen-Covid-humor missions. Use the ones you want, delete the rest, and add your families' own personal flavor in at a great rate! If you want a taste of what a Discovery Hunt is like and create some peak moments with your family, join the My Discovery Destination! Facebook group and get your whole family in on Wattson’s Gratitude Challenge Discovery Hunt. You won’t be sorry.
Then take the next holiday–you all know which one I'm talking about–to the next level. Why not consider offering
meaningful, shared experiences this Christmas? If you do a family gift
exchange, agree to create a shared experience with whomever you “draw” from the
family name pile instead of a purchased gift. Set a dollar limit, just like you always do, and at the
family Christmas party (which just might have to take place over Zoom) each
member can verbally share their planned experience with their gift recipient.
Imagine the bonds that could be created. Imagine making grandma happy cry.
Imagine making this THE holiday the ENTIRE family will NEVER forget.
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