I don’t know about you, but I kind of thought this whole Covid-sponsored social-distancing thing would fizzle out by the end of June. Because it didn’t, it messed with some of my late-summer plans, namely, a huge party. While I wasn’t able to have the exact event in the way I originally imagined, I did not have to cancel–I just had to adjust my activities (and expectations) based on the facts before me.
Although we can see and feel the approaching shift in
seasons, I’m afraid many of the restrictions we’ve experienced because of the
Coronavirus will not yet change. This means that we need to adjust our Fall and
Halloween events AND our expectations, just like I did with my summer party. It’s time
to start thinking outside the box for spookiest night of the year. And boy, do
I have a resource for you!
There is a new way to stay "involved" while not getting too close–virtual Discovery Hunts built on the GooseChase app. Download it and enter code B5QV8E to find the Cache Valley Fall Fun Discovery Hunt taking place in my area. It doesn't matter where you live; the world isn't as big as it used to be. If you don't live near Cache Valley. You can also stay connected to your local Facebook community (linked to MyDiscoveryDestination.com/communities) to find out all of the fun things happening locally. Each community has what they call a "Halloween" thread that lists everything you imagine Fall and Halloween-related, and they'll keep adding to it all month long! If you don't have a local group yet, reach out and see how you can help get one started!
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