So, maybe over the last six months or so you’ve been contemplating a rather large purchase…let’s say a vehicle. You have saved some money and have not been affected financially by COVID-19. You filed your tax return and got back the money you overpaid to the government in 2019, and you pocketed the stimulus (that will be taxed…don’t forget that). You are ready to go car shopping! Hold on–do you have enough cash to pay for it outright? I suppose that depends on what type of vehicle you’re buying, if you’re buying new or used, and how much money you were able to save. Are you planning to make payments (not the course I recommend, but I digress).? Do you know how much you think you can afford monthly? Before you get out there and find the car you think you can’t live without, I have a suggestion: practice making the monthly payments to yourself. But, how? If you think you can afford a monthly car payment of $450, then actually take that $450 every month for at least six mont...

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