Last week I gave instructions to put your debts in order
from the smallest balance owed to the largest balance owed. And, it is in this
order that I intend to instruct you how to pay them off–you will pay the
smallest balance first, and when that debt is paid in full, you combine that
payment (that you are no longer paying because you are DONE with it) with the
payment of the second smallest debt….you roll the first payment into the second
debt. This allows payments to get larger and larger as you pay off creditors
and is called debt snowballing. This system works for most people, is by
far the easiest to understand, and allows you to see quick progress which is
most likely to keep people motivated.
But I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you there is another
way to organize your debt, and that is by the percentage of interest you are
paying–the creditor with the highest interest rate goes at the top of the pile,
and you pay off that creditor first. When that debt is paid off, you then add
the first debt payment to the debt with the second highest interest rate (like
you would with the snowball). This is called debt stacking. Honestly, this system works better for a very
small portion of the population, it does not save THAT much money in the long
run, and is a little more confusing.
In my opinion, most people will not be as motivated with
debt stacking as they can be with debt snowballing.
If you have picked your preferred method, then list all your
debts in the order of that preferred method on the first page of your notebook
along with their balances and monthly payments.
Now, let’s get ready for some FUN!
So-- as a financial advisor I do have to add that I definitely prefer debt STACKING. My experience working with lots of people is that they DO save money (after all-- you're paying off the highest interest debts first, so less interest in the long run). Also- in most situations you still end up knocking out debts for the mental reward pretty regularly, so you still get that emotional reward of seeing progress. The other thing to keep in mind is that if your higher interest debts are so large that they are going to take a long to pay off, you REALLY want to start knocking them out, because they are costing you in interest! In fact, it's actually time to start putting gazelle level effort towards knocking them out! Most of all, though, know thyself! If you need the frequent mental reward of knocking out a smaller debt quickly, do the snowball. If you can't stand the fact you are wasting money paying interest, then do the debt stacking. Either way, combining it with a little gazelle effort kickstart will go a long way!