I love cruises, but I avoid any port excursions where small boats are involved. I am not afraid of sinking; I am afraid of getting sick. I did that once, and it was not fun. But the thought of a sinking boat is a perfect analogy for why debt is bad. Stick with me, here. Let’s say you are in a small boat that is taking on water because there is a large hole beneath the water line. You have a bucket and are bailing as fast as you can, but your boat continues to sink because you have not plugged the hole. Even if you can toss out water at the same rate more water is pouring in, you will never be done. You are fighting a losing battle and are likely to become exhausted, frustrated, and disheartened. Interest on debt will create the same affect on your budgets as does a hole in your boat. If you are trying to create financial stability while still paying interest it is next to IMPOSSIBLE to actually achieve that goal because you have interest hanging over you that never sleeps...
At Money Minute$, we are patient and compassionate, like your best friend who isn’t afraid to help you be accountable. We don’t condemn for past mistakes; we just want to help you achieve your goals. We provide just enough hint of motivation to light a tiny fire of excitement at the prospect of not owing anybody money. We KNOW you can do this!