Neglect all your chores, run up that credit card, and eat up all the junk food in the house (said no one EVER, I’m just trying to get your attention) for New Year’s Day is around the corner! Let’s face it, you are compelled to start AT LEAST the three most popular New Year’s resolutions on January 1 st . What are they? Getting organized, managing your money, and losing weight. Now, I’m not here to try to talk you out of or into any specific resolution. I am here to help. Thus, I would like to share with you a useful (and attractive, if I do say so myself) 2022 calendar with some financial tips and suggestions on it–remember, I am a financial blogger. So, here it is. I wish each of you success in all your positive endeavors in 2022. See you next year!

At Money Minute$, we are patient and compassionate, like your best friend who isn’t afraid to help you be accountable. We don’t condemn for past mistakes; we just want to help you achieve your goals. We provide just enough hint of motivation to light a tiny fire of excitement at the prospect of not owing anybody money. We KNOW you can do this!